Today is a special day here in Catalonia. We don't have Halloween here (ohhh, i know we miss a Great Day) but instead of Halloween we celebrate la Castanyada. There are no ghost, zombies or witches ( well, maybe we have some of  it ;p) but we spend the evening with our families or friends and eat a lot of chestnuts, sweet potatoes and  traditional little cakes, els Panellets.

Anyway, Monday needs Music.

Happy Halloween i bona Castanyada! 



Special  dates are approaching, so we think these placemats would be the perfect compliment to your table.

Thanks to our friends of The Pretty Blog  you can download it for free. There are three different designs.

Bon appetit and good weekend!



So today Marina is talking about her wedding  and we all feel a little romantic. I must confess I'm in love... with an actor or maybe a character.

I know  Ryan Gosling is cool and many  of us ladies fell at his feet after  The Notebook, but I have fallen for this movie.  Blue Valentine centers on a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years by cross-cutting between time periods.

I must say that  I even love  the trailer (a girl tap dancing in the street while her lover sings and plays the ukulele... I love it! Yes, I'm a little geek) but the movie is great, and don't miss the soundtrack!

By the way, I must confess that seeing  these pics also reaffirmed my love ...




On August  20th I finally got married! After 8 years of relationship and 4 years of living together, we decided to take this important step. I was lucky to marry the best man in the world! It was a beautiful day because there were all the people we love, and we both were (and we are) so in love as the first day!  Ohhh nice that ;p

Planning a wedding can be very easy or very difficult depending on what you want. Anyway, you do what you should because it's your wedding!  We  knew exactly what  we wanted, so we decided to plan the decoration, details, invitations, photographer, flowers and gifts ourselves.

The truth is there are many options and ideas for planning a wedding, and the longer time you have, the  more things you want to do because everything is beautiful and you're so excited that everything  you see seems perfect.

In this blog I will give you some ideas about what we did, and some advice for all of you who are engaged or planning a wedding.

In this picture you can see Me and my Husband in our wedding day.

Well, see you soon! ;)



Today I  will introduce you one of my favorite illustrators. He's from Barcelona and became famous for his muses   and his designs for advertising campaigns, books, clothing ... everything and more! Here are some samples of their work ...

In this video from the band Estupida Erikah, we can see Conrad in full creative process, you better not miss it!

More about Conrad's work in his blog and his website .



Good morning!!  today we start our weekly section devoted to music, nothing better to start the week! 

Today  I would propose two songs.

We start with a Spanish group, Litoral. They often sing in Catalan, but today's song is in French and it sounds really great.

Here comes the second song! Beautiful lyrics and  great  images... Perfect for an autumn day like today.

Have a nice monday!!




The first recipe of this blog should be a normal soup (what a surprise huh?).
A normal soup is a broth made for kings, a tasty broth, it makes you feel the aroma and opens the stomach and transports you to paradise. Today there are many people who have not tasted it for years, maybe in a good restaurant, but they have no idea how it's made.
This can stop today.


To make a normal soup the most important thing is to have the right ingredients. The broth is done by itself, we only have to fill a very large pot of slow boiling water and add the ingredients:

¨ Salt

¨ 1 beef bone ( bone with a bit of cartilage)
¨ 1 pork bone (bone from the spine of the pig)
¨ A piece of chicken, can be chicken bones or chicken breasts ...
¨ 1 bone of the shoulder or leg of lamb ( bone with some meat)
¨ 1 chicken breast (wash it before)

  All of this should boil 1 hour. Once it has boiled, add the vegetables, which are:

¨ 2 peeled potatoes
¨ 1 / 2 leek
¨ 1 carrot
¨ 1 cabbage leaf
¨ 1 piece of celery

Everything must boil half an hour. And the broth is already done!

¨ The vegetables can be frozen and  then throw them directly in the broth.

¨ Never let the broth cool completely.

¨ Using a large pot you have broth for many meals, all you have to do is freeze it in small containers, which  will be more practical to defrost it.

Hope you like it!


Mmmmm... SOUP!

First of all,  soup is a great meal, and when we say great we're not only talking about the look or the taste, but also the emotional aspect.
When  you hear the word "soup" the smell of grandma's broth comes immediately to your mind. Soup feeds your heart and soul, so comforting when the winter is hard.  And is also special because nowadays most of all young people don't know how to cook a good normal soup, even though we hope someday we learn to make it.

This blog starts with a spirit  that wants to be like the soup, a small pleasure of the ordinary, so normal that is extraordinary.

We hope you read some comforting words in here, that get you warm if you're cold, that remember you good things and  give you the courage to live here and now.

Mònica i Marina.

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